Bring out the best in you!

Request an appointment for a free 15-minute consultation.


What can I offer you?

I aim to combine my experience in business with my studies in the world of yoga and my practical skills. From this, I am able to draw the knowledge, empathy, and attitude to life that is necessary for mentoring, and to pass on all of this to my mentees.

I believe that many of us need support in the for of advocates, listeners, and inspiration as well as the self-confidence both to keep us steady in the face of change, and to have trust in ourselves.

Be yourself. The world worships the original.

The great courageous act that we must all do, is to have the courage to step out of our history and past so that we can live our dreams.

Above all, be the heroine of your life, not the victim.

Beauty begins, at the moment you decide to be yourself

As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands. One for helping yourself, the other for helping others.

People who are truly strong lift others up. People who are truly powerful bring others together.

Be the change you wish to see in the world.

To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.


Communication consultancy

In today’s world, the right communication skills are key. What is not visible is not there. You must be visible, and you must be seen!

I was and still am focusing on credible, goal-oriented visibility, currently as a consultant, as I did in my former leadership positions.



I believe that many of us need support, supporters, listeners, inspirations, and self-confidence in order not to be afraid of changes and to trust ourselves.

Let us control our own lives, don’t leave it to others!

We should not get comfortable, and more importantly, we should not stay in bad situations just because we are used to them. Let’s not be afraid of ourselves and the unknown, where we could move on. Let’s not be afraid of our own growth.


Yoga classes

I offer my lessons by prior arrangement, in the form of private lessons at the time and place agreed upon. Just like in any other private class, a personal, problem-oriented approach is beneficial. My main goal in private yoga classes is personalization, I pay maximum attention to the physical abilities of my students and adjust the exercise accordingly. During the classes, I dedicate my full attention to the client, and immediately correct any mistakes they might make, so the movements are mastered in the correct way and performed as perfectly as possible. This enables them to practice these movements on their own.