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I was introduced to yoga in 2006 – prior to this, I struggled to allocate time within my daily routine for care of my own mental or physical health. “Me time” took the back seat after my career and family.
The weekly practice of yoga became a regular commitment over a period of ten years. It truly has changed me in many different ways. I have found my inner harmony. I have become more aware, more balanced, and have learned to control my mind and my focus. Yoga has completely changed my everyday life, as well as my mindset, lifestyle, and last, but by no means least, it is extremely beneficial for my body and physical health!
The meaning of the word yoga is to unite, to link, to connect and it also means to yoke.
Its aim is to create the union of body, mind and spirit, which enables us to find self-realization and to live in peace with our surroundings.
When I felt this effect on myself, I decided to undertake Hatha Yoga Teacher training with the aim of deepening my knowledge and starting on a new path, where I am constantly learning and sharing my experiences with others.
I describe myself as a “Realist spiritualist” since I combine the rational thinking and living of my past with my present openness to spirituality.
I offer my lessons by prior arrangement, in the form of private lessons at an agreed time and place. Just as in any other private class, a personal, problem-oriented approach is beneficial. My main goal in private yoga classes is personalization, I pay maximum attention to the physical abilities of my client students and adjust the exercise routine accordingly. During classes, I dedicate my full attention to the client, and immediately correct any mistakes they may make, enabling the movements to be mastered in the correct way and performed as perfectly as possible. Clients are thus able to practice these movements independently.